The falling bear ended up with its own Facebook page and Twitter account and appeared in countless newspapers, magazines and television programs around the nation and world. 这头坠落的熊甚至有了它自己的Facebook主页和Twitter账号,并在世界各地的报纸、杂志和电视节目中露脸。
That day the Bear family go to the bank and open an account for Brother and Sister. 那天小熊一家人都去了银行,为小熊兄妹开通了账户。
Fathers not only bear joint financial and moral obligations, but also are called to account for failure of leadership in paternal responsibility by family and society as a whole. 父亲不但要负经济、道德等方面的连带责任,而且要被社会和家庭全方位地追究“领导责任”。
IF YOU meet a bear in the woods, try not to panic or scream; on no account should you turn your back and run. 如果你在丛林中与熊遭遇,尽量不要惊慌失措或失声尖叫,更不要转身而逃。
The buyer would bear all costs and charges relating to the goods whilst in transit until their arrival at the port of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage. 买方承担货物在运输途中直至到达目的港为止的一切费用,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付。
In the short term, import tends to bear the brunt of the trade account's adjustment because exports respond only with a lag. 在短期内,进口往往首当其冲地受到贸易帐户调整的影响,因为出口不会立竿见影地作出反应。
The value of Bear's head office in a prime location on Madison Avenue, near JPMorgan's offices, may account for a large portion of the eventual sale price. 贝尔斯登总部距摩根大通办公楼不远,位于麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)显要位置,其价值可能将在最终售价中占据相当大比例。
This makes him bear an international vision on energy and climate change, taking into account the context of Chinese energy, economic development, and sectoral dynamics at national and local levels. 这份经历使得他能够运用国际眼光来考虑中国背景下的能源、经济发展,以及国家和地方的行业动态问题。